Update: The Advent Travellers safely made their way back to St George’s on Christmas Eve. Sign up early next year to be part of the journey! Advent is the season where we honour and prepare to welcome the coming of Jesus into our midst, and the journey that his parents took to Bethlehem. As they […]
Farewell Bill and welcome home Clive
Can I publically express my personal thanks to the Rev’d Dr Bill Lawton for the care, skill and enthusiasm he brought to his ministry with the parish these last eight weeks. My thanks also to the wardens for the extra responsibilities they have shouldered. Glenda and I have had a very stimulating and varied time […]
On Cadigal Land
Today’s Service is a celebration of the Cadigal People on whose land our church stands. It is also a reminder of our indebtedness to Indigenous people and their culture. We share a common national destiny.
Give Peace a Chance
… Pastor Jones and his small Florida congregation threatened to burn Korans … and he admitted that he has never read the Koran. Book burning has a long history… Apart from the tragic loss of culture and literature, there is something far more sinister at work… Destroying libraries is a calculated action based in fear, […]
Living God you touch the deserts of our land with blossom; you awaken the rainforests with song; you surprise the cities with love and community; and every where we rejoice that the old and forsaken can live again.