You can hear recent reflections, on our Podcast channel (on Apple Podcasts), and below:
God cares for the forgotten and those pushed aside; the little ones. Rev John Stanley reflects on Micah 5.2-5a, Luke 1.47-55, and Luke 1.39-45.
Feeling God’s promises. Alison Stanley reflects on Zephaniah 3:14-20.
After Silence, Singing – Zechariah’s Carol. Byron Smith reflects on Luke 1:5-24, 1:57-64 and 1:68-79.
To Live Justice. Rev John Stanley reflects on Jeremiah 33.14-16, Psalm 25.1-10 and Luke 21.25-38.
What gives you hope? Jess Lyons overcomes adversity to reflect on Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, Revelation 1:4b-8, the music of Olivier Messiaen, and the end of time; and also suggests Orfeo by Richard Powers. Jess has also provided the text of the sermon.
Not being distracted by things that distress us. Barbara Booth reflects on Mark 13:1-8.
Unbinding from death into the life prepared for us. Rev John Stanley reflects on Psalm 24 and John 11.32–45.
Loving Well, Loving God, Loving People. Alison Stanley reflects on Ruth 1.1-18, Hebrews 9.11-15, Mark 12.13-17, 28-34.
Are you a Good Person? Rev John Stanley reflectson Mark 10.17-31.
On the Way. Byron Smith reflects on Mark 10:46-52 and the imperative for change.
Our place in the coming Kingdom. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on Mark 10.32–45 and self-giving rather than self-seeking.
Farewell to Rosemary and Philip Bradford. The Bradfords conclude their time at St George’s during which Philip returned as our Acting Rector for most of the last 3 years, having previously been rector from 1991 to 2000.
God is on our side. Rosemary Bradford reflects on Psalm 124, Esther 7.1-6, 7.9-10; 9.20-22, James 5:12-20.
They are conspiring against us. Byron Smith reflects on Psalm 125, Mark 7.24-3, James 2. 1-17.
What doe it mean to say God is love? Rev Philip Bradford reflects on Song of Songs 2.8-13.
The dwelling of God. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on 1 Kings 8.22–30, 41–43, Ephesians 4.1–16, John 6.56–69.
Sustaining the whole person. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on John 6.51-58, Ephesians 5.
Feeding our hunger. Byron Smith reflects on not being able to share meals during lockdown, John 6.35, 6.41-51, and how when we share what we have, with Jesus, we have enough.
Seeking justice for the abuse of power. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on the powerful and powerless based on 2 Samuel 11.26–12.13a, Psalm 51.1–12, Ephesians 4.1–16.
Speaking truth to abuse of power. Byron Smith reflects on 2 Samuel 11.1–15, and a Malvina Reynolds song.
Portraits of God building us a home. Matthew Harbinson reflects on redeeming righteousness through 2 Samuel 7.1–14a, Ephesians 2.11–22, and Mark 6.30–34, 53–56.
Engaging emotionally with King David in the Hebrew scriptures. Barbara Booth reflects on 2 Samuel 6.1-19.
Portraits of power. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on strength in weakness based on 2 Samuel 5.1–10, 2 Corinthians 12.2–10, and Mark 6.1–13.
From crying out of the depths, to belonging. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on being up against things we cannot control, including the labels placed on us, based on 2 Samuel 1.1, 17-27, 2 Corinthians 8.1-15, Mark 5.21-43.
David vs Giant. Byron Smith reflects on 1 Samuel 17.
Everything has become new. Rosemary Bradford reflects on our own place in the kingdom of God based on 1 Samuel 15.34-16.13, Psalm 20, 2 Corinthians 5.6-10, 14-17, and Mark 4.26-34.
Not Losing Heart. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on 1 Samuel 8.4-11, 16-20; 11.14-15 and 2 Corinthians 4.13-5.5.
Our understanding of the Holy Spirit. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on Acts 2.1–21, Romans 8.22–27, and John 15.26–27; 16.4b–15.
Being at home in God’s Love. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on Jesus farewell to his followers from John 15.9–17.
I am the vine, you are the branches. Barbara Booth reflects on John 15.1–8, Acts 8.26–40, the mission of God and implications for us as the Church today.
What life after death will be like. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on Luke 24.36b-48, Acts 3.12-20, and John 20:19-31.
We are not alone in suffering. Rev Philip Bradford reflects on John 20:19-31.
Easter Sunday – Celebrating Jesus’ triumph over death
Good Friday – Witnessing God’s love for our broken world as we recall Jesus’ death
The challenge of Palm Sunday to those who wield power today. Byron Smith reflects on Mark 11.1-11 and Philippians 2:5-11.
The importance of the Hebrew Scriptures at Easter. Barbara Booth reflects on Jeremiah 31.31-34, Hebrews 5.5-14.