PEACEtalks is a quarterly event (held on a Thursday or Saturday evening) hosted by Paddington Anglican Church aimed at serving the community by promoting and cultivating deep conversations about life, the world and everything. ‘PEACE’ stands for ‘political, ethical, artistic & cultural engagement’. As such, our events seek to take all of these areas of our shared humanity seriously in a world where such things are often marginalized. We also seek to demonstrate the ways in which spiritual and theological reflection enable us to look at all of these important areas afresh. All welcome!
By offering quarterly lectures on a wide variety of topics we hope to communicate that the Church takes the pursuit of truth and beauty seriously because we believe that the world and our minds are imbued with God’s wisdom and, furthermore, we are told that ‘wisdom cries out’ (Proverbs 1:21) to us so that we may be drawn to their ultimate source in God.
To stay in touch with the PeaceTalks Community – Join the PEACEtalks e-mail list to be advised of future events.
You can also join our Facebook group – PeaceTalksPaddo