It is our pleasure to promote a presentation of prolific performance poets with a penchant for powerful proclamations. People from the parish and peripatetic pilgrims will participate in a pleasant picnic on the pavement of our parochial piazza with pals and peers.
Please procure personal provisions, padding for the posterior and plonk (if preferred).
We promise the performances will be profound, perplexing, provocative, peppered with psychological and philosophical payloads, and positively poetic (pardon the pun).
When: Saturday the 1st of November from 6pm
Where: The courtyard of St George’s Anglican Church, Paddington (245 Glenmore Rd, Paddington NSW)
Bring: A picnic (food, drink, blanket)
All welcome!
About PEACE: PEACE stands for ‘political, ethical, artistic and cultural engagement’. As such, PEACEtalks seeks to provide a context where these things can be engaged with in an open and informed way in the context of relationship and hospitality. But ‘PEACE’ is not just a clever acronym. Peace is a core conviction that we seek to embrace and embody in its deepest sense; a way of togetherness that embodies wholeness and harmony.
At the moment we run monthly events on the evening of the first Saturday of each month in the rectory of Saint George’s Anglican Church, Paddington.