Jesus declared “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
Join us as we explore the theme ‘The Bread of Life’ from John 6 over the next month.
Sunday 5th August – 10am Service with both creativity, kids church and traditional Anglican nourishment (a.k.a Flat White Service). We’ll be thinking about what Jesus is referencing from the story of God’s people when he declares himself the bread of life.
Sunday 12th August – 10am Service with a focus on more creative engagement with a variety of ages, fostering our curiosity and joy (a.k.a Mocha Service). We’ll be reflecting on the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 from John 6.
Sunday 19th August – 10am Service with both creativity, kids church and traditional Anglican nourishment (a.k.a Flat White Service). We’ll be exploring the concept of feeding on Jesus in the communion service.
Sunday 26th August – 10am Service with an emphasis on traditional Anglican nourishment, no Kids Church (as Something New is on at 3pm) (a.k.a Long Black Service). We’ll be spending time in John 6 meditating on what it is to be people who feed on the Bread of Life.