On Saturday 30th April we hosted a Meet the Candidates Event for Paddington to meet and question our candidates for the Federal election.

Matt Wade, Senior Economics Writer, SMH
Award winning journalist, Matt Wade, is senior journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age newspapers where he writes about economics, politics and demography. He was previously a foreign correspondent based in India for Fairfax newspapers and has worked in the Canberra Press Gallery as The Herald’s Economics Correspondent.
An event from PEACEtalks
A quarterly event serving our village by promoting and cultivating deep conversations. ‘PEACE’ stands for ‘political, ethical, artistic & cultural engagement hosted by
St George’s Five Ways
Trusting God’s generosity we are a diverse community that follows Jesus, embodies grace, practices hospitality, thinks rigorously, acts for justice, partners with neighbours and seeks flourishing for all.

The original livestream video (before title images were added, but otherwise the same video) is also available below and on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PaddingtonAnglicanChurch/