PEACEtalks presents: Laughing and Crying at the End of the World
For our next PEACEtalk we are excited to host Phil, Emma and Nish as they launch their amazing new podcast! But what’s it about? Well, here’s a message from them:
“Hello everyone,
We are three friends – Nish, Emma and Phil – who have decided to start a monthly podcast exploring issues of art, faith, culture, community and occasionally our shared natural enemy – science.
For our first episode we’ll be tackling the totally unambiguous, very straight-forward phenomenon known as the EnD oF tHe wOrLd. We were so enamoured with that idea we decided to call our entire podcast Laughing and Crying at the End of the World. And we’d love love to invite you to the launch and live recording of our very first episode: APOCALYPSE NOW AND AGAIN
Yes, the three of us combined have the expertise of a pigeon stuck in a theatre during an Introduction to Existentialism lecture, but what we lack in expertise we make up for with a sincere desire to explore what happens when we find ourselves living lives we don’t fully understand.
In this episode we will explore the concept that one’s world can end before any meteor crash or alien invasion or global flood; that the EnD oF tHe wOrLd is something that has already happened and continues to happen whenever a God dies, whenever people can find no pride in their childhood virtues, whenever meaning-making rituals are hollowed out from the inside and ‘the good life’ becomes unintelligible.
What has the EnD oF tHe wOrLd meant to different cultures across history? When a worldview collapses around you, and ultimately within you, what are the remnants? How do you look your own disillusionment in the eye?
We will discuss Noah, Y2K, Youth Group Culture™️ and much, much more.
There will be wine and there will be nibblies.
Pls come along for a night of poetry, stories and good natured commentary about our shared demise.
We hope to see you there!
Nish, Emma and Phil”
About PEACE:
PEACEtalks is a monthly event hosted by Paddington Anglican Church aimed at serving the community by promoting and cultivating deep conversations about life, the world and everything. ‘PEACE’ stands for ‘political, ethical, artistic & cultural engagement’. As such, our events seek to take all of these areas of our shared humanity seriously in a world where such things are often marginalised. We also seek to demonstrate the ways in which spiritual and theological reflection enable us to look at all of these important areas afresh. All welcome!