What is church and why do we do what we do?
This three part series will examine the foundation, heartbeat and purpose of Christian community in the gracious acts of God.
As we begin a new year with changes to the focus of both our services and changeover in our staff team, it seems a good opportunity to refresh our vision of just what it is we are doing together and why.
Each week we will take a different movement (IN, UP, OUT) and explore how God’s surprising good news shapes the contours of our common life.
Movement 1: IN – In a divided and polarised world, God gathers a people across languages, backgrounds, ages, genders, sexuality, class and race and in turn we respond by welcoming and caring for one another in that same spirit of generosity. Bible text: Acts 2
Movement 2: UP – In a noisy and distracting world, God speaks and saves and in response we receive, being invited into worship, having divided hearts healed. Bible text: Acts 8
Movement 3: OUT – In a self-obsessed and grasping world, God turns up in humble service of others and in response God’s community is sent into a life of praise and service. Bible text: Acts 16
This series is designed to open a space for the Afternoon Service to reflect on and develop patterns and priorities in its new format. The series will run on February 3rd, 10th and 17th with time for brainstorming and deliberation.
The Morning Service will also participate in this series with Morning Prayer on February 3rd, 17th and March 3rd.