One of the themes which people at St George’s have been exploring recently is the care of the environment and creation as an essential part of Christian faith. Following a number of smaller initiatives the Wardens and Parish Council have been looking at the possibility of a significant project involving the collection and use of church roof rainwater for the St George’s garden.
The collection and use of church roof rainwater for the St George’s garden would involve some new guttering, the installation of a 7,000 litre tank on the far (hidden) side of the church, and a pump and piping to bring water to the garden.
A parishioner has offered an initial contribution toward such a project, should it go ahead, and the parish also feels it can prudently contribute. As the Parish Council did not want to proceed without the general support of the parish, both ideologically and financially, members of the parish have been encouraged to discuss this with the rector or a member of parish council over the last couple of weeks; and offers so far should make it possible to proceed.

St George’s has been helped in our consideration of environmental issues by a number of parish members, including Robin Brampton, who among other things contributes short EcoHints to the parish bulletin from time to time. We have also been helped by members of St Mark’s South Hurstville, including their EcoChurch Coordinator Bruce Cooke who spoke at St George’s last year and also helped in identifying EcoChurch opportunities. More information is available on the St Mark’s South Hurstville EcoChurch web page, including links to discussion of the basis of Christian concern for the environment and various christian groups engaged with environmental issues.