PALM SUNDAY, 24 March 9:30am
Rev John Stanley reflects on John 12:12-16 and Mark 14:1-15:47
MAUNDY THURSDAY, 28 March 6pm Sydney Street Choir
8:30pm Tenebrae (Latin for darkness), a quiet service reflecting on the last words of Jesus before his death. As the service proceeds, the lights and candles are extinguished, ending in silence and darkness; until we depart in silence.
GOOD FRIDAY, 29 March at 9am
EASTER EGG HUNT, Saturday 30 March at 10am-11:30am
EASTER SUNDAY, 31 March at 9:30am Resurrection Celebration
Rev John Stanley reflects on Isaiah 25.6-9, Acts 10:34-43, Mark 16:1-8, and on finding a way of living eternity where justice and peace are the way of life in this world that is not just and not peaceful.