Hear Rev Dr Seforosa Carroll explore Climate Change, Theology and Resilience in the Pacific – the importance of faith/theology in the Pacific and how it can be both a hindering and transforming agent of change. Also exploring the importance of Indigenous knowledge and wisdom as a source of resilience in a changing climate.
The video that was played is the following:
Bio – Seforosa (Sef) is a Fiji born Rotuman who spent her formative years growing up in Lautoka, the Western side of Viti Levu in Fiji. These formative experiences continue to inform Sef’s theological reflections on interfaith and cross-cultural relationships, and gender and culture from a diasporic perspective of a migrant who calls Australia one of her homes. Sef graduated with a PhD in theology at Charles Sturt University in 2015. Sef is a Research Fellow of the Public and Contextual Theology Research Center (PaCT), Charles Sturt University, Australia. She is a visiting lecturer with the School of Theology, United Theological College Charles Sturt University in theology. Sef is a CTI Fellow and was a resident member of the 2017-2018 Inquiry into Religion and Migration at the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton. Sef just completed her time with UnitingWorld where she worked as a theological researcher (climate and gender) and facilitating church relationships in Australia and the Pacific. Sef is a great believer in the powerful role theology can play in bringing about transformative change. Sef begins a new role with the World Council of Churches in Geneva in January 2020.
This event is part of PEACEtalks: a monthly event (held on a Thursday or Saturday evening) starting at 7pm hosted by Paddington Anglican Church aimed at serving the community by promoting and cultivating deep conversations about life, the world and everything. ‘PEACE’ stands for ‘political, ethical, artistic & cultural engagement’. Also on iTunes / Apple Podcasts by searching for PEACEtalks.