You can hear recent reflections, on our Podcast channel (on Apple Podcasts), and below:
The beginning and the end. Rev John Stanley reflects on Genesis 2:8-10,3:8-24, Revelation 21.10-14, 22-22.5, and John 14.23-29.
Belonging, Believing, Becoming. Rev John Stanley reflects on Acts 11.1-18 and John 13.31-35.
Life in the Christian family. Rev John Stanley reflects on John 10.22-30 and Psalm 23.
The way after the resurrection. Rev John Stanley reflects on Acts 9.1-6, Revelation 5.6-14, John 21.1-19.
Dealing with questionmarks and doubt. Barbara Booth reflects on John 20.19-31 and Acts 5.27-32.
Easter Sunday – Understanding He is Risen. Rev John Stanley reflects on John 20:1-10 and our Lent study book.
Facing Empire on Palm Sunday. Rev John Stanley reflects on Luke 19:28-40, Philippians 2:5-11.
Paddington Uniting – A new thing. Rev Danielle Hemsworth-Smith reflects on John 12:1-8.
Who do we stand with? Rev John Stanley reflects on Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32, and 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.
Modern idols. Rev John Stanley reflects on Isaiah 55.1-9, 1 Corinthians 10.1-13, Luke 13. 1-9.
Stepping into covenant. Rev John Stanley reflects on Genesis 15.1-12, 17-18.
Lent. As we reflect on how we orient our lives, ask God for help putting down those distractions and barriers to connection and for guidance in picking up practices that help you to be present with God, with your neighbour, with yourself and with the earth.
Orientation and temptation in Lent. Barbara Booth reflects on Luke 4:1-13.
The mystery of God revealed. Rev John Stanley reflects on Exodus 34:29-35, Luke 9.28-36.
Why we should love our enemies. Rev John Stanley reflects on Luke 6.27-38.
Right relationship. Rev John Stanley reflects on Jeremiah 17:5-10 and Luke 6.17-26.
Calling the Disciples. Barbara Booth reflects on Isaiah 6:1-8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Luke 5.1-11, and Muster Dogs.
What is love? Rev John Stanley reflects on 1 Corinthians 3.1-13, Luke 4.21-30.
Bringing good news to the poor and marginalised on Aboriginal Sunday. Byron Smith reflects on Isaiah 61:1-4, 1 John 3:16-24, gratitude, grief, and grit as well as the 8 years the Smith family has lived in St Georges’ Rectory.
Generosity and abundance. Rev John Stanley reflects on John 2.1-11.
Belonging to family. Rev John Stanley reflects on Isaiah 43:1-7, Psalm 29, Luke 3:15-22.
Christmas beyond the Church. Rev John Stanley reflects on Isaiah 60:1-6, Matthew 2:1-12.
The great rescue mission. Barbara Booth reflects on Psalm 148, Colossians 3.12-17, and Luke 2.41-52.
Treasuring the Gift of Christmas. Rev John Stanley reflects on Luke 2.8-20 and Titus 3.4-8a.
Being the light in community. Rev John Stanley reflects on John 1:1-14. 1.14.
God cares for the forgotten and those pushed aside; the little ones. Rev John Stanley reflects on Micah 5.2-5a, Luke 1.47-55, and Luke 1.39-45.
Feeling God’s promises. Alison Stanley reflects on Zephaniah 3:14-20.
After Silence, Singing – Zechariah’s Carol. Byron Smith reflects on Luke 1:5-24, 1:57-64 and 1:68-79.
To Live Justice. Rev John Stanley reflects on Jeremiah 33.14-16, Psalm 25.1-10 and Luke 21.25-38.
What gives you hope? Jess Lyons overcomes adversity to reflect on Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, Revelation 1:4b-8, the music of Olivier Messiaen, and the end of time; and also suggests Orfeo by Richard Powers. Jess has also provided the text of the sermon.
Not being distracted by things that distress us. Barbara Booth reflects on Mark 13:1-8.
Unbinding from death into the life prepared for us. Rev John Stanley reflects on Psalm 24 and John 11.32–45.
Loving Well, Loving God, Loving People. Alison Stanley reflects on Ruth 1.1-18, Hebrews 9.11-15, Mark 12.13-17, 28-34.
Are you a Good Person? Rev John Stanley reflectson Mark 10.17-31.