If you watch ABC television, you will often see some images of past news stories that we have seen on the ABC channels, and then a woman (could even be Aboriginal) appears in front of a kind of tent and she asks What’s your story? Let us try in our imagination to return to the […]
Mary Mother of our Lord
I would like to honor two women because we will be thinking about Florence Nightingale as well as Mary, the mother of Jesus. In the calendar of saints, Tuesday, 13th August celebrates Florence Nightingale, nurse and social reformer, and Wednesday, 14th August is the feast of Mary Mother of our Lord. Dr Val Webb, an […]
In Defence of Doubt: an Invitation to Adventure
Book Review: Val Webb, In Defence of Doubt: an Invitation to Adventure, Mosaic Press , Nov 2012 It is a huge pleasure to review a book by another Eremos member. Val Webb’s books have been reviewed in earlier years, and she has been a valued speaker at Eremos gatherings as well as those advertised in […]
Baptism service, 9th June, 2013
The story we have just had as our gospel reading (Mark 10:13-16) could be easily trivialised. It’s not just about being childlike. It’s about the dignity and worth of children. That is not an unfamiliar message in our day and age, but it would have been in Jesus’ time. In a book written about Roman […]
What motivates your commitment to interfaith dialogue?
The answer given to a question at a recent interfaith seminar: What motivates, compels or fuels your commitment to interfaith dialogue? Ever since the evolution of Palaeolithic , then Neanderthal humans, people have known in their guts there was an Other. Sometimes they dreamed up what she was like. Sometimes they said he/she had revealed […]