This summer, something profound, with the potential to reshape our common life and our future occurred. Explore the landscape—theological, political, cultural—left behind by the flames. Led by Rev Dr Jason John
Dangerous God, Rescue us from any domesticated, benign, anodyne pictures of you. Show us your disturbing glory in Jesus, crucified and risen. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, upend our false comforts, banish our self-accusations, and draw us into the world you love in acts of dangerous service.
Waking Up to a Warming World
Prospects for Christian Ethical Deliberation amidst Climate Fears. Lay Summary of Byron’s Phd Thesis submitted this week
A prayer for mothers
Thank you for mothers: for the women who gave each of us birth, and for the women who preceded us in the faith.
A Place for God?
Community of Life – Genesis 1.1-5, 1.24-2.4b; Psalm 104, 1-4, 14-31; Colossians 1.15-20; Mark 7. 14-23 If you were to tell the story of St George’s, where would you begin? With your arrival in the parish? With the renewal under Bruce Wilson? With the founding of the parish in 1889? With the establishment of Paddington as a suburb? Or […]